Frontier Spinning Softball Team

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Kimberly singing "We are the champions" while drinking an ice cold A&W rootbeer! Posted by Picasa

Mikki and Mike Posted by Picasa

Carolyn gets a shower! Posted by Picasa

Carolyn gets a shower! Posted by Picasa

Mikki and Emily Posted by Picasa

Mike: You are all winners. Take this and use it at school and at church.  Posted by Picasa

Carolyn and her trophy Posted by Picasa

John and his trophy Posted by Picasa

Stephanie showing off her trophies! Posted by Picasa

Brittany and Stephanie receiving the trophies awarded at the cook out Posted by Picasa

Frontier Spinning! Posted by Picasa

Frontier Spinning! Posted by Picasa

Mike and the trophies! Posted by Picasa

Mike and the trophies! Posted by Picasa

waiting for the trophies Posted by Picasa

Waiting for the trophies Posted by Picasa

The trophies! Posted by Picasa

Stephanie Posted by Picasa

Stephanie Posted by Picasa

Mikki pitching Posted by Picasa

Mikki pitching Posted by Picasa

Stephanie Posted by Picasa

Kimberly and Faith Posted by Picasa

Mikki telling the team about the desire to win a tourney Posted by Picasa

Alyssa and Emily Posted by Picasa